Cookie Policy


Last updated April 14th, 2021.


The following information about the use of cookies and similar technologies on the website www. (hereinafter also referred to as "website") is provided to the user/visitor ("you") in accordance with European and Swiss legislation on the processing of personal data and electronic communications.


  1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the websites visited by the user send to your computer or mobile device, where they are stored before being sent back to the same websites on the next visit. It is thanks to cookies that the website remembers the user's actions and preferences (such as login details, the language chosen, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they do not have to be re-entered when the user visits the website again or browses from one page to another on it. Cookies are therefore used for IT authentication, session monitoring and storing information about users' activities when accessing a website. They may also contain a unique identification code that can be used to track the user's browsing within the website for statistical or advertising purposes. When browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies from web servers or websites other than the website visited ("third-party cookies") on their computer or mobile device. Some operations could not be carried out without the use of cookies, which are therefore in some cases technically necessary for the actual functioning of the website.


There are different types of cookies, depending on their characteristics and functions, and they can remain on the user's computer or mobile device for different lengths of time: session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed, and persistent cookies, which remain on the user's device until a predetermined period.


In accordance with current legislation, the use of cookies does not always require the consent of the user. More specifically, "technical cookies" do not require consent, i.e. those used only to transmit a communication via an electronic communications network or to the extent strictly necessary to provide a service expressly requested by the user. In other words, they are cookies that are essential for the functioning of the website or necessary to provide the activities requested by the user.


On the other hand, for "profiling cookies", i.e. those aimed at creating user profiles and used to send advertising messages according to the preferences expressed when surfing the Internet, the prior consent of the user is required.


  1. Cookies used on the website.

The website uses cookies for the correct functioning of the website and for the provision of the services contained therein, in order to understand and improve the user's browsing experience.


In particular, the website uses:


- technical cookies, i.e. navigational or session cookies that are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website or that enable you to use the content and services you have requested (condition for lawfulness: execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures, i.e. browsing the website and using its content and services);


- (First and third-party) analytics cookies that allow us to understand how the website is used by you and other users ( condition for legality: your prior consent . Giving your consent is only optional).


Third-party cookies, i.e. cookies from websites or web servers other than those of Angelini, are also used for the purposes of these third parties.


In detail, the following cookies are on the website:


Cookie name

Cookie type


Source and origin of cookies


Cases in which it is used

Subjects with access to the information stored in the cookies


Technical cookie

30 minutes


Active visitor session

Entire website




Technical cookie

13 months


Serves for the recognition of visitors

Entire website




Technical cookie

12 months


Stores the visitor's consent to the collection and use of data

Entire website




Technical cookie

14 days


Determines whether to display the Tag Manager debugger

Entire website




Technical cookie

12 months


Determines whether the session of the last visitor is still running

Entire website




Analysis cookie

24 months

Google Analytics

Used to select the different users who access the website

Entire website


Google Inc.


For information on Google Analytics cookies see


Information on the data protection management of Google Inc. can be found at



Analysis cookie

1 minute

Google Analytics

Used to limit the frequency of requests

Entire website


Google Inc.


For information on Google Analytics cookies see


Information on the data protection management of Google Inc. can be found at



Analysis cookie

24 hours

Google Analytics

Used to select the different users who access the website

Entire website


Google Inc.


For information on Google Analytics cookies see


Information on the data protection management of Google Inc. can be found at



The semantic coding of the cookies ("cookie name") corresponds to that adopted by the cookie providers ("source and origin of the cookies").


Cookie Center

You can choose which categories of cookies to allow by selecting them through our Cookie Center.


We will inform you about it:

- "Technical cookies" are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website or for the use of the requested contents and services. It is not possible to disable this type of cookies, as this would affect the correct functioning of the website or the use of its contents and services. If you do not wish this category of cookies to be installed on your device, you are asked not to use the website (the installation of technical cookies is a necessary condition for the proper functioning of the website);


- the lack of approval of "analysis cookies" (including those of third parties) or "profiling cookies" (including those of third parties) does not affect the functioning of the website. The granting of your consent is merely optional.


In addition to this procedure, you can also block or delete cookies (in whole or in part) using the specific functions of your browser (see above).


The choices you make in relation to the website's cookies are in turn stored in a specific technical cookie with the characteristics indicated in the corresponding cookie table. However, this cookie may not function properly under certain circumstances: In such cases, we recommend that you delete unwanted cookies and also prevent their use via your browser's functionality.


Your cookie preferences will be reset if you use other devices or browsers to access the Site or if you delete cookies from your device.


  1. Additional information

For more information and details on the different types of cookies, how they work and their characteristics, please visit the freely accessible website, which is independent of Angelini.


  1. Changes to this notice

The constant evolution of our activities could lead to changes in relation to the above. As a result, this cookie policy may be subject to changes and additions over time, which may also be necessary with regard to new laws on the protection of personal data or electronic communications.


The updated version of this Cookie Policy will be posted on this page, indicating the date it was last updated. Therefore, please refer to this page when accessing the website.